Just a couple more days of relaxing, then we’re heading back home to Canada. It’s been a blast and huge success here in New Zealand. Katie and I have really enjoyed some relaxation time while down under as we prepare to be new parents. We’re very excited to take on this new journey together and we feel so blessed to live where we do, have the opportunity to travel and bring value to farmers around the world, be surrounded by incredible and positive people and of course have our health in tact. These are things we never take for granted and are thankful every day.

I want to send a whole hearted thank you to everyone who has been involved in bringing me to New Zealand for the second time around. Particularly, Jodi and Tanya Roebuck for being great hosts and friends, Linda Machon for being an incredible cook for our event, and last but not least, James Samuel for being the grand architect. Without him, I wouldn’t of been down here in the first place and met all the great people that we have. James has been the major force behind scaling up the interest of small scale ag here in New Zealand. It seems like there is a serious buzz happening down here now and I believe the opportunities are huge. Though, there are some logistical challenges for farmers here such as ordering some of the tools that we use in North America, but I will say that with all of this new interest and growth, many American companies that I  know personally, are looking to cater to this emerging market and if more farmers pool their resources, larger purchases can be made in collaboration to avoid the high costs of shipping.

Katie and I will definitely be back in 2018 as a small family. It’s looking like it’s going to be January, though the dates aren’t 100% confirmed yet.

My next events will be in Victoria, BC the weekend of the 25th and 26th at Royal Roads University. The first day (Saturday), I will be giving my 1-day Profitable Urban Farming workshop, which already has 45 people registered. The second day (Sunday), will be my 1-day Microgreens for Commercial Production workshop and it is now sold out with a waiting list. It’s a partly hands-on workshop, so we have to keep it small because 2 hours of it will be in a greenhouse on the campus.

The following weekend, I will be back in Boston for the 5th Annual Massachusetts Urban Farming Conference. I will be the keynote speaker this year to open the conference and then giving three content packed workshops about specific small farm based topics. More info here.

After these dates, I’ll be taking a touring hiatus to be with Katie and focus on having a successful birth of our eagerly awaited child.

However, this summer will be the start of my new 5-day workshop platform on my farm. One workshop in each month of June 19, July 17, and August 14. All the information can be found here.

Come fall and winter, I will be focusing more on teaching 5-day courses at farms throughout the US. October 13th, 2017, I’ll be back at Rose Creek Farms in Selmer, TN and November 6th, 2017 at Steadfast Farm in Queen Creek, Arizona. Tickets will be on sale for these events this month.

Thank you so much for following.

Farm hard!

Curtis Stone.


4 replies
  1. Dave Palmer says:

    Congratulations on the upcoming new addition! Children are a joy, and you will be a great father, because you are hard working, dedicated, and innovative. I’ve found that half of raising children is problem solving and logistics, and the other half is being present and an active participant. My third child is due in a few weeks, and I’m sure he/she will be just as happy to help in the garden and business as my other two are already at ages 3 and 5. Kids just want to be part of whatever you are doing, so give them a job and show them how valuable their efforts are to you. They will value that for a lifetime and pass it on for generations. See… you are changing the world, Curtis! Congratulations to you and Katie! May he/she be happy and healthy!

  2. Ray Tyler says:

    Curtis, you and Katie are an inspiration to many. The local food revolution will now, never be the same. Truly changing the world one farmer at a time!

  3. Tim Steckel says:

    Hi Curtis,
    so good to hear, you guys are pregnant. I wish you all the best and lots of health!
    Will you be growing some extra clover microgreens for Katie now?
    Keep up the good work in educating people about urban farming! It is always inspiring to watch / read your content.
    Thank you!

  4. Bob says:

    Thanks for trespassing where necessary to get us some good views! I was looking for the articulated Bush hog or tree trimmer that made those 15meter pine tree walls. Nice work folks. Best wishes you 2!

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